Keeping your Insurance Policy Active
Published on: February 6, 2025


We understand that in times like these we begin to search for way to save money. This unpredictable pandemic has reeked havoc on so many lives in so many tragic ways.

As a business owner, we understand the panic that has set in over the last several weeks and we are here to help you in any way we can.

The first way we can do that is by explaining the importance of keeping your Insurance Policy active! You may be wondering why this would be a necessity during a nationwide shutdown that has required (majority) fitness facilities to close their doors? You don’t have any classes or sessions running, no athletes in your facility using equipment on property, and therefore no real threat to your business, right?

WRONG. Your business may not have warm bodies in it but does it have equipment, apparel, various retail items, tv’s, files, membership information, and so on? All things that you could be robbed of that your insurance policy will cover. How about your athletes or clients that have borrowed your gym equipment and are using your programming or virtual training at home?

There are certain areas of your business that we understand you will temporarily cutoff or freeze during this time but your Insurance Policy should not be one of those. Do not take this risk and put your business in jeopardy.

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Spend less time worrying about insurance.

We don’t just provide you with the best insurance in the industry at the best value, we also have the best customer service in the industry.

We combined easy-to-use software with the best customer service to make finding insurance easy and stress-free for you.


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