Competition & Event Coverage
Call AGuard before your event to be sure you are protected. Unforeseen things happen in a split second.
If you are hosting a competition, having a party or sponsoring a gathering, you want to call us before something happens. Wait until after and it may be too late.
Events in your space with your athletes might be covered under your existing policy, but if you are charging athletes to compete, spectators to watch or serving alcohol, you will need additional coverage. Sports injuries occur every day and even with a signed waiver, your liability could be catastrophic if you are not covered.
If you are renting event space, AGuard should review the contract. Often times, the language includes what you can be liable for should damage occur to any part of the property. Trust that you don’t want to drop weights or athletic equipment on someone else’s floor if you are liable for the post-event damage.
You might not know how to protect yourself, but AGuard does. Whether it’s your first event or your tenth-anniversary celebration, call us to see if we can help.
Whether you are new in business, or just looking to shop your old policy, call us or send us an email.
The only way to be protected is to shop and compare. We are here to help!